GameSense.Co Video Games

Rank The Best Of 2019 and the 2010s!

We need your help to make the best and worst rankings.

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    Change Scores

    Post about games, react to posts, and rate games to help us rank and categorize the games of 2019 and the 2010s.

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    Tag Games

    Help us organize games based on tags, platforms, and more. Tag games based on genre, censorship, etc. It's up to you!

  • 3
    We'll Do The Work

    After you share your opinions, we'll calculate and rank all the games for you and create the lists.

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The Best Of And Worst Of

How It Works

Review scores have historically been made up and fake. GameSense has a scoring system based on your input, it does its best to be accurate and based on reality unlike other review scores. Because GameSense scores are based on numbers instead of feelings, it allows us to make meaningful rankings based on actual opinions from a wide range of gamers, including you.

We'll be ranking games, either based on best to worst, or vice versa. What categories we rank games in is up to you. We'll do the obvious and easy things, like best games of 2019 on Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One. You can also tag games however you like, whether by genre or something else interesting, and we'll rank those games with those tags as long as there's enough interesting results.

Video games released in 2019 qualify for the 2019 rankings. This means any release, including re-releases. Even if a game came out first 20 years ago, and it was released on a new platform or console, it qualifies. Same thing for any games released in the 2010s.

It's up to you to decide. This isn't a popularity contest or a paid list. It's entirely up to you how games are ranked, and it's up to you to tag enough games to give us interesting lists to look at.


Frequently Asked Questions

Fastest Way To Get Started?

Simply start searching for games to rate or post about.

How Do I Change Rankings?

Change rankings with your posts, post reactions, and ratings for games.

How Can I Preview Results?

Head on over to the Games Browser and sort by "Weighted Score". Toggle tags, platforms, etc to get a preview of what's to come. We'll filter out games based on release year.

What Games Qualify?

For the 2019 rankings, any game that had a release in the year 2019. This includes re-releases. For the 2010s rankings, it's the same.

What Tags Can I Use?

Any tags you want! We are interested to see what gets tagged as "censored" so we can make a list based on that. Think like that! Get creative!