Actua Pool, a pool was originally released on the Microsoft Windows platform and the Sony PlayStation home console in 1999; these versions were also published under the name Pool Shark. Actua Pool is a pool simulation game with dozens of game modes, including eight-ball, nine-ball, three-ball, ten-ball, killer rules, cutthroat rules, bank rules, speed pool, one-pocket, various foreign styles and traditional snooker rules. There is an interactive tutorial if the player wishes, and the player can learn hundreds of trick shots from the tutorial. There are also the traditional two-player modes, as well as three-player, four-player, and so on. This version enjoyed good sales, but was not as well received critically as the original game. The "Actua" title was not included as the Actua Sports series had become defunct some years previously, as had the original developers Gremlin Interactive, and therefore Pool Shark 2 is not actually part of the same series of the original.
Actua Pool, a pool was originally released on the Microsoft Windows platform and the Sony PlayStation home console in 1999; these versions were also published under the name Pool Shark. Actua Pool is a pool simulation game with dozens of game modes, including eight-ball, nine-ball, three-ball, ten-ball, killer rules, cutthroat rules, bank rules, speed pool, one-pocket, various foreign styles and traditional snooker rules. There is an interactive tutorial if the player wishes, and the player can learn hundreds of trick shots from the tutorial. There are also the traditional two-player modes, as well as three-player, four-player, and so on. This version enjoyed good sales, but was not as well received critically as the original game. The "Actua" title was not included as the Actua Sports series had become defunct some years previously, as had the original developers Gremlin Interactive, and therefore Pool Shark 2 is not actually part of the same series of the original.
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