Alien Hominid Invasion is a 2023 run and gun video game developed by The Behemoth. Different paths can be chosen to avoid hazards and find hideouts that contain items and loot storage.
The game features 4 player online or local co-op.
The Behemoth announced Alien Hominid Invasion as Game 5 in January 2020. During development The Behemoth regularly live-streamed development updates/diaries and held a closed beta.
The game launched on November 1, 2023, for PC, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series consoles.
Alien Hominid Invasion is a 2023 run and gun video game developed by The Behemoth. Different paths can be chosen to avoid hazards and find hideouts that contain items and loot storage.
The game features 4 player online or local co-op.
The Behemoth announced Alien Hominid Invasion as Game 5 in January 2020. During development The Behemoth regularly live-streamed development updates/diaries and held a closed beta.
The game launched on November 1, 2023, for PC, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series consoles.
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