Initially it was announced by Rovio's CEO Mikael Hed on Yle's breakfast television. The game was based on Casey's Contraptions, a game created by Noel Llopis and Miguel Ángel Friginal , whose rights were acquired by Rovio. The game featured educational elements and revolved around Alex, described as a curious boy with interest in building things. The goal of the game was to make various Rube Goldberg-type chain reaction machines work. For this game, players would put the given object to the place where players must put to it. Harry Slater of Pocket Gamer gave the game a Bronze Award, and called it an "addictive experience" but that "compared to Angry Birds, there's less excitement involved"..
Initially it was announced by Rovio's CEO Mikael Hed on Yle's breakfast television. The game was based on Casey's Contraptions, a game created by Noel Llopis and Miguel Ángel Friginal , whose rights were acquired by Rovio. The game featured educational elements and revolved around Alex, described as a curious boy with interest in building things. The goal of the game was to make various Rube Goldberg-type chain reaction machines work. For this game, players would put the given object to the place where players must put to it. Harry Slater of Pocket Gamer gave the game a Bronze Award, and called it an "addictive experience" but that "compared to Angry Birds, there's less excitement involved"..
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Video game information for Amazing Alex, including publisher, developer, localizers, and more. Information is maintained by the community and may be incomplete, but you can help complete this video game information for Amazing Alex by filling it out or improving it. You'll earn WAD to promote yourself on as well as experience to increase your effect on changing video game scores with your post reactions and video game ratings.