The beloved childhood pastime of lazy Sundays spent with a magnifying glass and an ant farm finally arrives on the DS in this challenging and addictive strategy simulation that trains your ant minions - as well as your brain - through the use of the stylus.
You must zap, tap, and manipulate your ants to make them tough enough to survive a variety of harsh environments and strong enough to defend the planet against evil alien robot insect invaders! It’s up to you to build the best Ant Nation!
The beloved childhood pastime of lazy Sundays spent with a magnifying glass and an ant farm finally arrives on the DS in this challenging and addictive strategy simulation that trains your ant minions - as well as your brain - through the use of the stylus.
You must zap, tap, and manipulate your ants to make them tough enough to survive a variety of harsh environments and strong enough to defend the planet against evil alien robot insect invaders! It’s up to you to build the best Ant Nation!
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