Captain Tsubasa J: Get In The Tomorrow video game
Rank: #2971
The game is one of few to have two modes: a friendly match mode and a story mode in which you follow the plot of the actual anime. The story line first starts off in the junior World Cup grand final between Japan and Germany. During this first match, you are likely to learn that it is difficult to score against the German keeper, Deuter Müller. However, each time you finish a match no matter if it was a defeat or draw, your players gain experience points making the next retry easier. After winning a number of games with Japan Junior, the focus changes to Shingo Aoi just as it does in the anime. Note that each player's level corresponds only to one team and one mode. Be sure to save your data whether it is in story or friendly match mode.
First Release May 3, 1995
Last Release May 3, 1995
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Current Best Sellers Nintendo Switch Playstation 5 Xbox Series X S

User Descriptions

The game is one of few to have two modes: a friendly match mode and a story mode in which you follow the plot of the actual anime. The story line first starts off in the junior World Cup grand final between Japan and Germany. During this first match, you are likely to learn that it is difficult to score against the German keeper, Deuter Müller. However, each time you finish a match no matter if it was a defeat or draw, your players gain experience points making the next retry easier. After winning a number of games with Japan Junior, the focus changes to Shingo Aoi just as it does in the anime. Note that each player's level corresponds only to one team and one mode. Be sure to save your data whether it is in story or friendly match mode.

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Politics Amount: None
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Coop: none
Coop: 2
Coop: 3
Coop: 4

Game Information


Video game information for Captain Tsubasa J: Get In The Tomorrow, including publisher, developer, localizers, and more. Information is maintained by the community and may be incomplete, but you can help complete this video game information for Captain Tsubasa J: Get In The Tomorrow by filling it out or improving it. You'll earn WAD to promote yourself on as well as experience to increase your effect on changing video game scores with your post reactions and video game ratings.


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