Captain Tsubasa Volume II: Super Striker is a continuation of the "Cinematic Soccer" series of games started on the Famicom. Many of the Captain Tsubasa games featured fully animated cut scenes throughout the match leaving the player to make key strategic decisions and then watch the outcome. Circa 1994-1996, the game was unofficially translated and bootlegged into Arabic as "Captain Majed 2" , based on the Arabic dub of the anime, since the show was extremely successful in the Arab world. translated by Extra Ordinary. In 2008, Cruyyford translated game into Turkish, since Captain Tsubasa was popular in Turkey. In 2015, Farid finished translation of the game into Persian, since the anime was very popular in Iran.
Captain Tsubasa Volume II: Super Striker is a continuation of the "Cinematic Soccer" series of games started on the Famicom. Many of the Captain Tsubasa games featured fully animated cut scenes throughout the match leaving the player to make key strategic decisions and then watch the outcome. Circa 1994-1996, the game was unofficially translated and bootlegged into Arabic as "Captain Majed 2" , based on the Arabic dub of the anime, since the show was extremely successful in the Arab world. translated by Extra Ordinary. In 2008, Cruyyford translated game into Turkish, since Captain Tsubasa was popular in Turkey. In 2015, Farid finished translation of the game into Persian, since the anime was very popular in Iran.
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