Claw Stars video game

5 Collectible Games That Are Not Card Games


Collectible games have been popular since Magic: The Gathering. What feels more satisfying than completing a full set of collectibles? From physical card trading to digital card games, the genre has certainly grown to be one of the most popular in its own right. However, collectible games are not just limited to collecting and trading cards. Animal collectible games have seen a boom of popularity since Neko Atsume a few years back, and the trend has continued strong over the years.

One of the most appealing features of collectible games is they don't demand too much skill or time, and there is no end game. Collectible games last virtually forever, or at least until you finish collect everything (and you get bored of the game). It’s a great genre for casual gamers who have little to no time to grind away at their devices.

In this listicle, I've compiled a list of 5 collectible games that are not card games for casual mobile gamers looking to end a busy workday with a simple and relaxing game.

  1. Claw Stars
  2. Kleptocats 2
  3. Hamster Collection
  4. Nekonoke
  5. Alpaca World

5. Alpaca World

You’ve collected cats, you’ve collected hamsters, but how about alpacas?

In Alpaca World, you get to run your own alpaca farm. There are over a hundred different colors of alpacas to collect, care for, and upgrade. You can also travel the world with a team of alpacas, during which you will encounter their wild counterparts that you can either fight, capture, and take them back to your farm. The battle mechanics are turn-based and functions very much like Pokemon. You can use items like potions or power-ups during the battle to aid your alpacas.

While the main feature is running your own alpaca farm and collecting alpacas, I find the exploration aspect much more appealing. There’s something really satisfying seeing your alpacas just galloping around and challenging other alpacas. With the simple graphics and simple battle mechanics, this game ticks all the boxes for a relaxing casual game.

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casualtimekiller's Avatar casualtimekiller May 19th, 2021
Claw Stars game

Claw Stars

Thousands of Hamsters were sent into space for survivability experiments - but due to an accident, they warped through a temporal wormhole. Millions of years went by in a matter of minutes and the hamsters evolved with super-intellect, tumbling out into the same yet unfamiliar universe transformed by...

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