Columns video game
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While a column is falling, the player can move it left and right, and can also cycle the positions of the symbols within it.
First Release June 29, 1990
Last Release December 27, 1991
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Current Best Sellers Nintendo Switch Playstation 5 Xbox Series X S

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Columns is a puzzle based game released on Arcade and SEGA systems. Following the like system of Tetris. In Columns, There are three different symbols (such as differently-colored jewels) that appear, one at a time, at the top of the well and fall to the bottom, landing either on the floor or on top of previously-fallen jewel or "columns". While a column is falling, the player can move it left and right, and can also cycle the positions of the symbols within it. After a column lands, if three or more of the same symbols are connected in a horizontal, vertical, or diagonal line, those symbols disappear.

Special jewels will appear and will wipe out all of the same color beneath it once matched up. As you progress, the columns fall faster and faster. The goal of the game is to play as long as you can before the well fills up, thus ending the game.

The highest score possible is 99,999.

Many ports and spin offs have been made to follow.

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