Digimon World 3 video game
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The series is the third installment in the Digimon World series and it was first released on June 5, 2002 in the US and then on July 4, 2002 in Japan and November 29, 2002 in Europe. The game has 2 primary modes in which it is played: an overworld map and the battle screens. Soon after Junior arrives, the players are trapped in the game by an error in the system. Junior returns to the Amaterasu Server to defeat the final two chiefs, and gains access to Amaterasu City. Three months later, Junior returns to the Amaterasu Server, where, as is revealed in the PAL and Japanese versions of the game (i.e. Bandai showcased the game at E3 2000, where it was playable at several booths..
First Release June 5, 2002
Last Release June 5, 2002
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The series is the third installment in the Digimon World series and it was first released on June 5, 2002 in the US and then on July 4, 2002 in Japan and November 29, 2002 in Europe. The game has 2 primary modes in which it is played: an overworld map and the battle screens. Soon after Junior arrives, the players are trapped in the game by an error in the system. Junior returns to the Amaterasu Server to defeat the final two chiefs, and gains access to Amaterasu City. Three months later, Junior returns to the Amaterasu Server, where, as is revealed in the PAL and Japanese versions of the game (i.e. Bandai showcased the game at E3 2000, where it was playable at several booths..

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