Earth Defense Force 5 is the fifth main installment, and the eighth game in the Earth Defense Force video game series. At the start of the game, the player cannot select the difficulties Hardest or Inferno, however this becomes unlocked after beating the game once. It consists of more than 10 new missions designed to be especially challenging, featuring extremely powerful and rare enemy types from the campaign as common enemies and introducing new enemy types such as armored variants of the Colonists.
Earth Defense Force 5 is the fifth main installment, and the eighth game in the Earth Defense Force video game series. At the start of the game, the player cannot select the difficulties Hardest or Inferno, however this becomes unlocked after beating the game once. It consists of more than 10 new missions designed to be especially challenging, featuring extremely powerful and rare enemy types from the campaign as common enemies and introducing new enemy types such as armored variants of the Colonists.
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