Fairy Tail is an anime series adapted from the manga of the same title by Hiro Mashima. Produced by A-1 Pictures and Satelight, and directed by Shinji Ishihira, it was broadcast on TV Tokyo from 12 October 2009, to 30 March 2013. The series follows the adventures of Natsu Dragneel, a member of the Fairy Tail wizards' guild who is searching for the dragon Igneel, and partners with Lucy Heartfilia, a celestial wizard.
The series uses 52 different pieces of theme music: 26 opening themes and 26 ending themes. The Funimation-dubbed episodes aired on the Funimation Channel.
Fairy Tail is an anime series adapted from the manga of the same title by Hiro Mashima. Produced by A-1 Pictures and Satelight, and directed by Shinji Ishihira, it was broadcast on TV Tokyo from 12 October 2009, to 30 March 2013. The series follows the adventures of Natsu Dragneel, a member of the Fairy Tail wizards' guild who is searching for the dragon Igneel, and partners with Lucy Heartfilia, a celestial wizard.
The series uses 52 different pieces of theme music: 26 opening themes and 26 ending themes. The Funimation-dubbed episodes aired on the Funimation Channel.
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