Far Cry 5 PC Technical Review and Options


We go visit a doomsday cult in rural Montana in Far Cry 5, with the express purpose of measuring framerates and looking at PC options.

This review of Far Cry 5 didn't look too much into the game. Instead, it focused more on graphics and how well the game runs on PC.

Needless to say, Far Cry 5 is a good PC port. The graphs look great, even if they are on low. The requirements aren't too high, and there's a lot of graphical options to configure.

Importantly, PCInvasion found that the game is not CPU bound on their Intel CPU, and it was completely using their GPU.

Overall, Far Cry 5's PC port appears to be very well done and is a decent port.

Read More @ www.pcinvasion.com
ruw4's Avatar ruw4 March 27th, 2018
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