What a filth enveloped the world that its only salvation may be… two bloody beasts? Born of anger, blood and night werewolf Gregor and vampire Hredrick launch a crusade in defiance of unspeakable evil. Will they accomplish the mission even though opposed by hordes of hellish opponents, enraged people they are trying to save and even ... your loved ones? There are no illusions. This time the stakes are the highest possible.
What a filth enveloped the world that its only salvation may be… two bloody beasts? Born of anger, blood and night werewolf Gregor and vampire Hredrick launch a crusade in defiance of unspeakable evil. Will they accomplish the mission even though opposed by hordes of hellish opponents, enraged people they are trying to save and even ... your loved ones? There are no illusions. This time the stakes are the highest possible.
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