Below the Galleria Manor there exists a mystifying maze overflowing with treasure. This dungeon-exploring adventure is filled with over 50 hours of labyrinth to traverse and a witch brigade custom made into your very own unstoppable monster-fighting forc…
Below the Galleria Manor there exists a mystifying maze overflowing with treasure. This dungeon-exploring adventure is filled with over 50 hours of labyrinth to traverse and a witch brigade custom made into your very own unstoppable monster-fighting forc…
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Video game information for Labyrinth of Galleria: The Moon Society, including publisher, developer, localizers, and more. Information is maintained by the community and may be incomplete, but you can help complete this video game information for Labyrinth of Galleria: The Moon Society by filling it out or improving it. You'll earn WAD to promote yourself on as well as experience to increase your effect on changing video game scores with your post reactions and video game ratings.