Loop Hero video game
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The game takes place in a randomly generated world where the player changes the world by placing cards instead of directly controlling a character.
First Release March 4, 2021
Last Release April 4, 2023
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The game takes place in a randomly generated world where the player changes the world by placing cards instead of directly controlling a character. Along the way, he encounters other survivors who either assist him in trying to reconstruct the world or who, in despair, consider it lost and attack him in an effort to further their own survival. Each expedition begins with the hero following a pre-generated path in an empty landscape. Landscape cards allow the player to place various terrain features around the hero's path, such as mountains, meadows, forests, and buildings. Each terrain feature results in a different effect such as restoring health to the player at the end of every day, increasing the player's movement speed, or periodically spawning enemies. At the conclusion of each circuit around the path, the player is given the option to retreat from the expedition back to their original starting base. At the base, the player can use the resources they acquired on the path to construct new structures in their base, such as a kitchen or a blacksmith. Most of the game takes place on one of the randomly generated paths, with the player working to upgrade the hero's equipment and strategically placing terrain elements in an effort to survive increasingly difficult enemies. As the hero places landscape cards on the path, the boss meter rises and a final boss spawns at the path's exit point. If the player successfully defeats the boss, the story progresses. If the player is defeated while fighting enemies, they lose 70% of their resources and are forced to retreat to their base to start over from scratch. Loop Hero was initially borne out from an idea the Four Quarters team had in early 2019 when discussing zero-player games; one of their team members built a game with a hero wandering in a loop while the player built around it. Four Quarters recognized that they had the foundings of a good game, spent more time with the Ludum Dare version and were able to secure Devolver Digital for publication and support.

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