Mad Dash Racing is a racing game for the Xbox developed by Crystal Dynamics and published by Eidos Interactive. On a little island on Trem Land, a crazed wizard named Hex, plans to take over the world using red meteor chunks. A number of nasty characters have signed up to the event, think that they have the guts to find the meteor chunks. Dashers are able to gain quick boosts, Gliders are able to jump farther or glide, and Bosses are able to have all the powers. Players can collect 10 green meteor chunks and become a Tribrid.
Mad Dash Racing is a racing game for the Xbox developed by Crystal Dynamics and published by Eidos Interactive. On a little island on Trem Land, a crazed wizard named Hex, plans to take over the world using red meteor chunks. A number of nasty characters have signed up to the event, think that they have the guts to find the meteor chunks. Dashers are able to gain quick boosts, Gliders are able to jump farther or glide, and Bosses are able to have all the powers. Players can collect 10 green meteor chunks and become a Tribrid.
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