MultiVersus video game
Rank: #3074
The game features various characters within the Warner Bros. catalog. Players battle on different stages and attempt to knock their opponents outside the boundaries of the arena, with characters being knocked further the more damage they take. The game is primarily played in a 2-vs-2 format. The game currently features 13 playable characters, with many of them being voiced by actors reprising their roles from previous media. The image was later deleted after Warner Bros. submitted a DMCA takedown request, which DeBiedma stated was a "hard confirm" of the photograph's veracity.. The leak included Gandalf from The Lord of the Rings and Rick Sanchez from Rick And Morty as playable characters instead of Arya Stark and Garnet. Internal game design documents for the game were also leaked on ResetEra.
First Release July 26, 2022
Last Release May 28, 2024
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Current Best Sellers Nintendo Switch Playstation 5 Xbox Series X S

User Descriptions

The game features various characters within the Warner Bros. catalog. Players battle on different stages and attempt to knock their opponents outside the boundaries of the arena, with characters being knocked further the more damage they take. The game is primarily played in a 2-vs-2 format. The game currently features 13 playable characters, with many of them being voiced by actors reprising their roles from previous media. The image was later deleted after Warner Bros. submitted a DMCA takedown request, which DeBiedma stated was a "hard confirm" of the photograph's veracity.. The leak included Gandalf from The Lord of the Rings and Rick Sanchez from Rick And Morty as playable characters instead of Arya Stark and Garnet. Internal game design documents for the game were also leaked on ResetEra.

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