It began as a 1997 arcade game that was ported to home consoles and spawned several sequels. The series rebooted January 4, 2012 on PlayStation Network and Xbox Live. Upon watching a preview scrimmage by Turmell and DiVita, league representatives said they could not have the NFL associated with the game as it was then programmed. After the commercial failure of Blitz Pro, Midway did not release a Blitz in 2004 for the first time since the series began. Wide receivers could be known to run the ball and sometimes pass, and defensive players were all crosses between pass rushers and defensive backs. There are no timeouts, but the clock stops after every play, and extra points after touchdowns are claimed to be automatic, unless it is chosen to go for two points.
It began as a 1997 arcade game that was ported to home consoles and spawned several sequels. The series rebooted January 4, 2012 on PlayStation Network and Xbox Live. Upon watching a preview scrimmage by Turmell and DiVita, league representatives said they could not have the NFL associated with the game as it was then programmed. After the commercial failure of Blitz Pro, Midway did not release a Blitz in 2004 for the first time since the series began. Wide receivers could be known to run the ball and sometimes pass, and defensive players were all crosses between pass rushers and defensive backs. There are no timeouts, but the clock stops after every play, and extra points after touchdowns are claimed to be automatic, unless it is chosen to go for two points.
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Video game information for NFL Blitz, including publisher, developer, localizers, and more. Information is maintained by the community and may be incomplete, but you can help complete this video game information for NFL Blitz by filling it out or improving it. You'll earn WAD to promote yourself on as well as experience to increase your effect on changing video game scores with your post reactions and video game ratings.