NHL 2005 video game
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The user was now allowed to import digitized home arenas for the scratchbuilt tEAms . The IIHF license which granted the World Cup mode also allowed EA to use rEAl-life international jerseys for the only time The PC version of the game was stripped down to the bare essentials, including the omitting of the crEAte-a-player fEAture. The game received "generally favorable reviews" on all platforms except the PC version, which received "average" reviews, according to the review aggregation website Metacritic..
First Release September 20, 2004
Last Release October 8, 2004
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The user was now allowed to import digitized home arenas for the scratchbuilt tEAms . The IIHF license which granted the World Cup mode also allowed EA to use rEAl-life international jerseys for the only time The PC version of the game was stripped down to the bare essentials, including the omitting of the crEAte-a-player fEAture. The game received "generally favorable reviews" on all platforms except the PC version, which received "average" reviews, according to the review aggregation website Metacritic..

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EA Sports publisher


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