Panzer Paladin video game
Rank: #2132
The player assumes the role of a rescue service android named Flame who pilots a sentient power armor mecha named Grit as the two work together to stop extraterrestrial demonic invaders from conquering the Earth.
First Release July 21, 2020
Last Release July 21, 2020
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The player assumes the role of a rescue service android named Flame who pilots a sentient power armor mecha named Grit as the two work together to stop extraterrestrial demonic invaders from conquering the Earth. The game draws inspiration from several NES-era titles including Zelda II: The Adventure of Link, Mega Man and Blaster Master. Panzer Paladin consists of 17 levels, during which the player takes control of either the slow but powerful Paladin mech Grit or the small but swift Squire pilot Flame. The combat mechanics include a high-versus-low attacking and blocking system , along with a rock-paper-scissors style weapon triangle system that grants the player's weapons damage bonuses or reductions depending on the weapon used by the enemy. The game implements a weapon durability system similar to Breath of the Wild where weapons will degrade and eventually break after enough uses, with some weapons being more durable than others. Weapons can also be thrown as projectiles at enemies to deal extra damage at the cost of instantly breaking them or be left at one of several pedestals scattered across each level to act as a checkpoint upon death. Similar to Blaster Master, the player can eject from Grit at any time to play through levels as Flame. If Grit's health drops to zero, Flame will instantly be ejected from the mech and the player will be forced to play as her until they're able to find power tanks to restore Grit's health. Whenever Grit isn't being used, he will remain where he's left by the player until they either return to him later on or the player activates any of the teleportation pads scattered throughout each level to instantly teleport Grit to Flame's current location should the two get separated. Every level in the game is also designed to have Flame be able to traverse completely by herself if need be. Stage progression is very similar to the Mega Man series, where each stage's boss is visible beforehand on the stage select screen and stages can be selected and completed in any order you wish . The game also implements a weapon customization system known as the "Blacksmith" where players can draw and create their own weapons to share with other players via the internet. The story follows the exploits of Flame, a spunky, good-natured rescue service android and the pilot of Grit, a sentient bipedal power armor mecha known as a Paladin. The pair work as operatives for Gauntlet, a peacekeeping organization dedicated to defending Earth from invaders, consisting of the group's unnamed but reputable Director, the scientist responsible for Paladin research and development Dr. Bloom and the group's timid and easily frightened technical support member Etch. The group works together to fight against the dark prince Ravenous along with his army of demonic creatures led by the powerful Weapon Keepers, each of which bearing a strong resemblance to entities from human myth and folklore such as the Egyptian god Anubis, the Russian apparition Baba Yaga and the Greek monster Medusa. A stoic and enigmatic centaur-like creature known as The Horseman also appears randomly throughout the game as a seemingly neutral party, frequently challenging Flame and Grit to fights.

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