Too lazy to go to the range? Is your gun in the repair shop? Never fear Range Day VR is here. If you like playing with realistic guns in an open VR sandbox, then this might be the game for you. Range Day VR is designed to give players a taste of what an actual gun range is like while letting players explore iconic realistic firearms without danger of shooting the family cat. Compete against other players in challenging timed events. Or simply enjoy blowing things up with your favorite .50 cal machine gun.
Too lazy to go to the range? Is your gun in the repair shop? Never fear Range Day VR is here. If you like playing with realistic guns in an open VR sandbox, then this might be the game for you. Range Day VR is designed to give players a taste of what an actual gun range is like while letting players explore iconic realistic firearms without danger of shooting the family cat. Compete against other players in challenging timed events. Or simply enjoy blowing things up with your favorite .50 cal machine gun.
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