Shadow Warrior video game
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The shareware version was released for the PC on May 13, 1997, while the full version was released on August 31, 1997. Although violent, the game had its own sense of humor and contained some sexual themes. Master Zilla, the president of the Zilla Enterprise, is planning to conquer Japan using creatures from the "dark side". Later on in the game, Lo finds that Zilla's minions have killed his old mentor, Master Leep. Shadow Warrior is a first-person shooter similar to Duke Nukem 3D as both use the Build engine. Lo Wang's arsenal of weaponry includes Japanese-themed weapons such as shurikens—which were "likely [to] be dropped in favor of [a] high tech fun weapon" in development—and a katana, and marked the first appearance of a sticky bomb in an FPS, an idea popularized later by Halo.
First Release May 13, 1997
Last Release December 19, 2012
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The shareware version was released for the PC on May 13, 1997, while the full version was released on August 31, 1997. Although violent, the game had its own sense of humor and contained some sexual themes. Master Zilla, the president of the Zilla Enterprise, is planning to conquer Japan using creatures from the "dark side". Later on in the game, Lo finds that Zilla's minions have killed his old mentor, Master Leep. Shadow Warrior is a first-person shooter similar to Duke Nukem 3D as both use the Build engine. Lo Wang's arsenal of weaponry includes Japanese-themed weapons such as shurikens—which were "likely [to] be dropped in favor of [a] high tech fun weapon" in development—and a katana, and marked the first appearance of a sticky bomb in an FPS, an idea popularized later by Halo.

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