Shenmue III Gets New 1080p Screenshots Showing Improved Ryo, Shenhua, and Beautiful Vistas


A new batch of screenshots of the massively anticipated Shenmue III show Ryo, Shenhua, a beautiful city at night, and an extensive port.

They finally fixed those faces. They were looking horrible before and I was really worried about how things were going to turn out.

Now, as long as they can fix those horrible animations, we'll be in great shape. But this is a very good direction for this game to be going toward. We've all seen too many games start out looking a little rough and then ending up horribly. Shenmue 3 might actually not end up like that and might be able to evolve into something great. Though if I had a quarter for every time I heard someone say that I'd be rich.

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MrCoughing's Avatar MrCoughing January 16th, 2018
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