Shenmue III Keeps Looking Better and Better; New Direct-Feed Screenshots Released [UPDATED]
Shenmue III for PS4 and PC gets four promising images from Magic Monaco, showing even more progress made on the character models.
These new screen shots of characters from Shenmue 3 are looking a lot better than they used to. The earlier previews of Shenmue III were looking really rough, specially the characters. But this is a major step forward, and it looks way better than it used to.
Good thing they are working so hard to fix what was one of the weakest parts of the game they've shown off so far. Hopefully they keep improving Shenmue 3 like this, it has a huge reputation to live up to.
alchemy February 24th, 2018
Did you know you can earn WAD to promote yourself on and your level will increase, giving you more influence on how you change scores?