Star Fox Zero video game
Rank: #1683
Fox, Falco, Peppy and Slippy save the Lylat system in this new deep space dogfighting adventure. Using the Wii U GamePad controller and the TV together creates a unique interface that allows players to experience the game with two different viewpoints within the Arwing – aim and shoot enemies in one direction while flying in another. This frees up the TV for a more cinematic flight experience. Then, pilot the Arwing with its new Walker transformation, along with the new Gyrowing and the Landmaster Tank, to traverse interplanetary terrain.
First Release April 23, 2016
Last Release April 23, 2016
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Current Best Sellers Nintendo Switch Playstation 5 Xbox Series X S

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Fox, Falco, Peppy and Slippy save the Lylat system in this new deep space dogfighting adventure. Using the Wii U GamePad controller and the TV together creates a unique interface that allows players to experience the game with two different viewpoints within the Arwing – aim and shoot enemies in one direction while flying in another. This frees up the TV for a more cinematic flight experience. Then, pilot the Arwing with its new Walker transformation, along with the new Gyrowing and the Landmaster Tank, to traverse interplanetary terrain.

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