Star Trek video game
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Four spin-off television series were eventually produced: Star Trek: The Next Generation followed the crew of a new starship Enterprise set a century after the original series; Star Trek: Deep Space Nine and Star Trek: Voyager, set contemporaneously with The Next Generation; and Star Trek: Enterprise, set before the original series, in the early days of human interstellar travel. Star Trek had a themed attraction in Las Vegas that opened in 1998 and closed in September 2008. Star Trek is noted for its influence on the world outside of science fiction. As early as 1964, Gene Roddenberry drafted a proposal for the science-fiction series that would become Star Trek. Many of the conflicts and political dimensions of Star Trek represent allegories of contemporary cultural realities. He wanted Star Trek to show humanity what it might develop into, if it would learn from the lessons of the past, most specifically by ending violence.
First Release April 23, 2013
Last Release April 23, 2013
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Four spin-off television series were eventually produced: Star Trek: The Next Generation followed the crew of a new starship Enterprise set a century after the original series; Star Trek: Deep Space Nine and Star Trek: Voyager, set contemporaneously with The Next Generation; and Star Trek: Enterprise, set before the original series, in the early days of human interstellar travel. Star Trek had a themed attraction in Las Vegas that opened in 1998 and closed in September 2008. Star Trek is noted for its influence on the world outside of science fiction. As early as 1964, Gene Roddenberry drafted a proposal for the science-fiction series that would become Star Trek. Many of the conflicts and political dimensions of Star Trek represent allegories of contemporary cultural realities. He wanted Star Trek to show humanity what it might develop into, if it would learn from the lessons of the past, most specifically by ending violence.

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