Super Mario Bros 3 video game
Rank: #118
Super Mario Bros. 3 is a platform video game for the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) video game console. Mario and Luigi embark on a quest to save Princess Toadstool and the rulers of seven different kingdoms from the antagonist Bowser and his children, the Koopalings. The player, as Mario or Luigi, is able to defeat enemies by stomping them or using items that bestow magical powers. Mario and Luigi are given a wider range of abilities than in previous Super Mario games, including flying or sliding down slopes. In addition, Super Mario Bros. 3 introduces numerous elements, such as new enemy characters and the use of a world map to transition between levels, that have reappeared in or have influenced subsequent Mario games.
First Release October 3, 1988
Last Release July 11, 2003
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Current Best Sellers Nintendo Switch Playstation 5 Xbox Series X S

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Super Mario Bros. 3 is a platform video game for the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) video game console. Mario and Luigi embark on a quest to save Princess Toadstool and the rulers of seven different kingdoms from the antagonist Bowser and his children, the Koopalings. The player, as Mario or Luigi, is able to defeat enemies by stomping them or using items that bestow magical powers. Mario and Luigi are given a wider range of abilities than in previous Super Mario games, including flying or sliding down slopes. In addition, Super Mario Bros. 3 introduces numerous elements, such as new enemy characters and the use of a world map to transition between levels, that have reappeared in or have influenced subsequent Mario games.

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Nintendo publisher


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