GameSense.Co Video Games
Totally Accurate Battle Simulator video game

Totally Accurate Battle Simulator wiggles and wobbles its way onto Nintendo Switch this summer
Have you ever thrown your action figures against one another as a kid (or hey, as an adult) less out of an imaginative drive to exercise creative thought and more just to see how they bounce off each other? To see the way their plastic clashes and bends mid-air? This...
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neeker's Avatar neeker May 12th, 2022
Totally Accurate Battle Simulator game

Totally Accurate Battle Simulator

The two opposing armies can be placed on either opposite sides of the map, or one can surround the other. As soon as the player clicks "Start", the battle begins and the two armies rush forward to attack each other. Once either army has been defeated, the battle freezes and the player is informed of...

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