Trek To Yomi video game
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Trek to Yomi is an upcoming side-scrolling action game developed by Flying Wild Hog and published by Devolver Digital.
First Release May 5, 2022
Last Release January 30, 2023
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Trek to Yomi is an upcoming side-scrolling action game developed by Flying Wild Hog and published by Devolver Digital. Based in Japan and set in the Edo period, the game follows a young warrior named Hiroki who goes on a journey to confront the people responsible for the destruction of his village. Trek to Yomi is a side-scrolling action game. New weapons such as ozutsu, bo-shurikens, and ranged weapons such as bows and arrows would gradually unlock as the player progresses in the game. While the game is set in the Edo period, it also features bosses, mythological creatures and other supernatural elements. While the game is mostly a linear experience, its world features secret areas where players can find additional health and stamina upgrades, as well as bonus tools and weapons. While the game is designed to be a challenging experience, it also features a cinematic mode which lowers the game's difficulty level. Once the player completes the game once, they will unlock an extra difficulty mode in which the player character would die immediately when they are hit. The idea for the game emerged when game director Leonard Menchiari was experimenting with black and white imagery using Unreal Engine. Publisher Devolver Digital then approached one of their long-term partners, Polish studio Flying Wild Hog, who was developing Devolverland Expo for the publisher at that time, about a game set in the Edo period. The studio was intruiged by the project and agreed to serve as the game's developer. According to game director Marcin Kryszpin, Trek to Yomi was not designed to be a big game, and that the game should last around five hours. According to Menchiari, the game's story and themes were focused on two major components: historical Japan and Shinto mythology.

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