War Thunder video game
Rank: #599
War Thunder is an MMO combat game dedicated to World War II military aviation, armored vehicles and fleet. You will take part in all of the major combat battles, fighting with real players all over the world. Become a lone hero or lead your team to victory — the choice is yours! War Thunder offers a highly detailed and personalized aviation experience, giving players access to hundreds of historically accurate planes with detailed cockpits, dozens of upgrade able weapons, and flying skills that can be honed and improved with each mission. Thanks to the game’s painstaking attention to detail, you’ll truly feel like a World War II fighter pilot as you plunge into battle.
First Release December 21, 2016
Last Release November 17, 2020
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Current Best Sellers Nintendo Switch Playstation 5 Xbox Series X S

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User Descriptions

War Thunder is an MMO combat game dedicated to World War II military aviation, armored vehicles and fleet. You will take part in all of the major combat battles, fighting with real players all over the world. Become a lone hero or lead your team to victory — the choice is yours! War Thunder offers a highly detailed and personalized aviation experience, giving players access to hundreds of historically accurate planes with detailed cockpits, dozens of upgrade able weapons, and flying skills that can be honed and improved with each mission. Thanks to the game’s painstaking attention to detail, you’ll truly feel like a World War II fighter pilot as you plunge into battle.

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