GameSense.Co Video Games

Game Sense Post Hash Tags

Use Hash Tags to organize posts by hash tag, publisher, developer, game, and more!


Game Sense Hash Tags

Game Sense uses #hashtags to organize posts. Unlike other hashtags, anyone can add any hash tag to any post. This gives everyone a chance to organize games and posts based on how they feel about it. Example hash tags include #gameplay, #graphics, and #censorship. Previously, Game Sense used pre-defined "Post Topics", but to give you more freedom, you can now tag posts however you like.

Each post can be rated based on how the post makes you feel about the game. Your votes are used to help calculate scores. The hash tags from those posts are then analyzed by Game Sense and organized, showing you how each hash tag affects a score. This lets you get an easy view of what contributes to a score, whether it's gameplay, graphics, censorship, audio, music, or something else.

We've always strived to make Game Sense more than just another generic user review site. Being able to use reviews, news, and videos to help create scores, and then let you organize and analyze them however you like has always been one of our goals.

We're Looking For Gamers To Take & Rate Posts

  • 1
    Add Hash Tags To Posts

    Anyone can add hash tags to any post. Add tags that describe the post and the post's topic.

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    Analyze Posts

    You can see how each post's hash tag affects a score. Analyze why the score was given, and view posts based on what hash tags they have.

  • 3
    Learn About Publishers and Developers

    All posts' hash tags can also be analyzed by the publisher and developer of the game. See how publishers and developers behave and treat gamers looking at the Game Sense Hash Tag analysis.

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If you're here to post your videos or website, make your username similar and use your channel logo as your Game Sense avatar.
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Your email is private and not shared with third parties. It's used for password recovery and optional site updates. Join Game Sense

Join With Steam AccountYou'll be able to log in with your Steam Account By creating an account, you agree to the tos and User Agreement.

Hash Tag Analysis

By Publisher

Get an overview analysis of posts' hash tags for each publisher or developer.

By Game

Analyze what hash tags apply to which game. See how each post's tags affect a score and filter by hash tag.

All Games

View all posts by hash tag, regardless of game. A great way to find new games based on what's imporant to you.


Frequently Asked Questions

Who Can Add Tags?

Anyone who has joined Game Sense can add a hash tag to any post, for any reason.

What Types Of Tags Can Be Used?

You can add hash tags to posts for any reason, but they work the best when you add tags that describe part of what the post is focused on. For example, if you see a YouTube video of someone playing the game, you can add a #gameplay hash tag, and then vote on whether you think the gameplay is good or bad.

What Are Some Good Tags?

We recommend the absolute basics, telling gamers what parts of the game are represented in a post. This can include the game's music, sound effects, game play, censorship, etc. This also means you can make posts about all of these topics and gamers can add tags and vote on how they feel your post affects the game.

How Are They Analyzed?

We look at each post's hash tags and the overall rating based on how that post makes gamers feel about the post. Then, we calculate all