Manage Your Vidya With Game Sense

Follow news, reviews, videos, and more for the games that matter to you. No fluff, no shilling, just what you want!

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Join With Steam AccountPick a Game Sense username, your Steam is used for login. Your Steam name and status will appear in your profile. By creating an account, you agree to the tos and User Agreement.

Fill out your Game Sense Backlog with what you've played, and what you want to play, and filter news, reviews, videos, and more based on your backlog. It's your own personalized feed of video games!

You can manually add games to your backlog with our backlog manager, or games are added to your backlog when you post, vote, or rate them.

How Does It Work?

We filter posts based on your backlog, which lets you focus on only the games you care about. If you are looking for new games, you can always view all posts or posts on your platforms.

What's The Advantage?

Typical gaming sites and forums barrage you with games you don't care about and don't want to play. We let you filter games so you only have to read about the games you care about, but you can still explore all the games you want.

Any more questions? Check out the FAQ

Show Off As A Gamer

Set up your Game Sense profile and show the world what kind of gamer you are. Tell gamers why they can trust your videos, reviews, and news posts by sharing your gaming accomplishments, backlog, and posts. Get follow, subscribe and more buttons on your profile when you link your other social media accounts, and share your Game Sense profile so other gamers can get to all your accounts in one place.

Promote Your Channel

Your videos become a valuable resource that helps score and rank video games, even if your video isn't a review. We take your gameplay, game clips, reviews, and other videos and help give them a lot of value to gamers looking for information about video games.

You can link your YouTube or Twitch channel and quickly post videos from your channel. We'll post your videos on social media for you and add subscribe buttons to all your video posts for your channel.

Share Quality Alternatives

Post alternative, smaller media sites that haven't sold out yet to help the grow with us. Build a place where gamers can come and get a news feed custom tailored to their platforms or backlog from quality, ethical sites.