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You're looking at all reviews (text reviews, screenshot reviews, and video reviews) posted by gamers. Game Sense is dedicated to providing you, and other gamers, with an open platform to discuss games freely and honestly. All reviews affect a game's score based on various factors, like quality of review, a gamer's review history, the review category, and more.
Game Sense reviews focus on one topic of a game (like gameplay, graphics, audio, etc), and the writer of the review labels their review in that category. You can then vote if you agree or disagree that the review is right and belongs in that category. Voting on a review will affect the game's score. For example, if you find a video game review that's labelled as "bad gameplay", and you agree it's bad, you can vote it up and the score will go down. If you disagree, you can vote down and the score will go up.
If you find another review labelled as "good gameplay" and agree with the review being about gameplay that's good, you can vote up to increase the game's score. If you don't agree, you can vote down, which will lower the game's score.
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